
Guilty Pleasure of 2010: Trashy TV

From Quality TV to Trashy - we can't help ourselves. Although 2010 saw the demise of the shows that started it all - 'Big Brother', 'The Hills' and its spin-off 'The City', this certainly did not mean the death of Reality TV.

Audiences were blessed with new forms of reality TV displaying more shameful drunken arguments and downright tacky bustups - HOORAH! Fl@unt celebrates this year's most exciting Reality TV series...


Everyone's favourite fake-tanned Italian Americans returned this year for Season 2 of the hit show. More drunken slips, squabbles, catfights and male tantrums has kept the popularity of this show at an unexpected high. Good news...the gang will be returning in the new year for SEASON 3 - yay! The TV Gods have answered our prayers. 

Check the trailer for the new season below:


This is supposed to the UK's version of 'The Hills' however I don't think the cast are able to pull off the 'reality' of the situations they are clearly placed in but - who cares?? The point of this show is to display the unashamed flashiness of Essex girls and guys. If you hate it you'll still watch it which makes the show genius. Here's a compilation of funny moments from Fl@unt's favourite girl on the show, Amy Childs:


Another one bites the dust. As one Reality show is given the go ahead, another must fade into nothing. The show that is responsible for kick-starting semi-realistic drama ended this summer after a considerable run. The bitchy gossip was never the same without Lauren and so it was understood why the show ended. Do not fret however as Ms Conrad is currently filming another Reality TV show which should hit screens later next year!

In the meantime, lets takes a trip down memory lane...

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