
Beyonce Making A Stand in Music: Bringing Back R&B with New Album '4'

Sick and tired of the music scene of late? Fl@unt is definitely bored of hearing single after single of the same electro/dance genre that has taken over the charts for a solid year now. Don't get us wrong - there have been excellent tunes to come from the genre, but its time to change it up we feel.

Currently, there are seven songs in the UK Top 10 based on the electro-pop genre showing artists who have sold out to this music trend such as Pitbull and even The Wanted (although both singles are great), and so Fl@unt breathed a sigh of relief when Ms B released her album 4 earlier this month reintroducing r&b grooves we thought we'd never get back again. 

In a recent interview with Complex magazine, Beyonce stated her musical intentions for her latest album:
"Figuring out a way to get R&B back on the radio is challenging.  Everything sounds the same on the radio. With 4 I tried to mix R&B from the ’70s and the ’90s with rock ‘n’ roll and a lot of horns to create something new and exciting. I wanted musical changes, bridges, vibrata, live instrumentation, and classic songwriting.”

Thank goodness for Ms B,  otherwise the music industry would have seriously lost itself to one type of music style which is never good. 

4 is a great album with an array of r&b ballads, mid tempos and up tempos - mixed with flavours of other music styles of course - reminding everyone that Ms B ain't no follower as she says herself:
"I have an authentic, God-given talent, drive, and longevity that will always separate me from everyone else. I’ve been fortunate to accomplish things that the younger generation of queens dream of accomplishing. I have no desire for anyone else’s throne. I am very comfortable in the throne I’ve been building for the past 15 years.”

Beyonce creates music trends while never forgetting her musical roots which is why she'll always be an inspiring artist and an important figure in music - other singers take note.

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