
REPORT: Prejudice in the Exclusive London Club scene

I had organised with a group of friends to go to M***** nightclub for the first time last Wednesday night. Located in the heart of Oxford Circus, Central London, I had heard that this particular place attracts many celebrities homegrown and overseas and so after turning 21 this year, I was excited to see what all the fuss was about. 

Unfortunately, I discovered that this club was all about causing a fuss and nothing else.

After arriving at 10.30pm guaranteeing free entry, my two friends and I were first in the queue. I was met by a tall blonde woman who I assume was managing the guestlist entries as she asked me which guestlist I was on. I told her which and then she asked me who I was with and I pointed to my two friends. She looked me up and down snootily and told us to wait there. A blond female bodyguard then asked me again who I was with even though she was present when the first tall blonde woman had asked me the same question. I ended up telling her about four times.

A brunette woman holding a clipboard then came out of the club and asked me and my group how old we were, then she asked if we all had ID. We said yes and proceeded to take them out but before I was able to do that the brunette woman says stonefaced, 'you're not coming in.' She was being unreasonable as we were of age and had ID, we were the first ones in the queue and we were not intoxicated at all. I asked the brunette woman to explain her reasons for refusing us entry and she replied, 'You look too young' - this is not a valid reason. I replied sternly 'Well, I'm 21 so I'm legally allowed to enter this club'. I was wearing a long coat covering up my outfit and so she didn't even see what I was wearing or my friends, suggesting she simply didn't like the look of us.

These women were not acting within any club policy I'm aware of. I've never been spoken to so rudely and disrespectfully in my life. By mentioning us not fitting in with the scene of the club I believe this is a direction towards me and my friends' ethnicity (black british) as there was nothing else for them to judge us on. I am deeply angered by this incident and I feel it necessary to let Fl@unt readers know how racism and prejudice  still exists in various forms which in this case is the London club scene and I'm sure in other cities around the world.

As a legally compliant, higher educated young woman I do not deserve this treatment and if any readers have come under such unacceptable treatment towards them, I advise you to stand up for yourself and not receive this attitude lightly. It seems that there is an unspoken policy for more exclusive, private members club concerning race ratio as another friend told me of how she was turned away from one of these clubs for wearing an afro. She wrote a letter of complaint and the woman on the door was fired. I believe this is an appropriate action as this behavior towards ethnic woman is absolutely unnecessary.

After flicking through pictures of M***** nightclub, I only see black guests in attendance who are celebrities which is a shame as I'm sure they would not have been allowed in so easily otherwise. I will not be returning to such clubs that are only concerned with maintaining appearances rather than creating a fun club experience. Our race and looks should not prevent us young woman from being able to have a good time anywhere we choose - especially if we are of age.

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