
9/11 - How This Day is Reflected Upon 10 Years On

Although I was only 11 years old, like everybody else, the impact of September 11th 2001 remains alive in me 10 years on. I was at a time in my young life of new prospects and beginnings, starting a new secondary school, making new friends, beginning a new stage of my life. It was exactly when I was adjusting to this new chapter that I remember coming home from school hearing that the Twin Towers had fallen which confused me. 

I assumed that the state of New York had organised to demolish the towers until I saw on every channel, news broadcasts of the terrifying reality that hit my heart as hard as those planes hit those towers. I felt my body sink itself onto the couch as I became a slave to the TV screen. The sight and sounds that met me, no one should see - especially a child of  my age, but I could not tear myself away, nor could my mother or anybody else around the world at that moment.

Sure we've seen war and death occur in films but the sheer scale and way in which this fatal attack played out in the center of New York city had not been seen before. What makes this day so horrifying is the fact that at that moment this was our reality. No allude, no story or sense of fiction to hide behind. This was happening and as much as the firefighters and victims tried their best to save others as well as themselves, they had no way of controlling the situation they were trapped in. 

This was the world we were living and there was no way out - for those that perished within the towers and those left behind. As the buildings collapsed one after the other, the world lost sense of security and assurance as we were unsure of how to move on. As an 11 year old this brutal confrontation of the harshness and evilness of the real world truly effected me, as I became conscious of the negativity and dangers of the world at such a tender age as many children around the world because of this day.

I am thankful that no one I knew personally lost their lives in the attacks that day and I feel sorry those that have been mourning ever since. I still mourn for those that perished as these were honest working people with families and friends that did not deserve to be involved in this political attack. It's difficult what to say about this day as all we can evaluate from is what we observed from the outside of those fateful towers. 

Whether or not you have a political/social opinion or theory on why the towers were attacked, what should always be reflected upon is the thousands that lost their lives in a way absolutely no one should suffer. Their memories and courageous acts in their last moments should always be celebrated and commended. This has been made sure of in the reveal of the new memorial of 9/11 which is located where the Twin Towers once stood.

It is a simple yet beautiful mark of remembrance. The lights that penetrate the sky shine strong signifying the  national strength represented by the towers that once stood there and the presence of those that perished that will not be forgotten.

My thoughts and condolences go out to the families that lost their loved ones in the attacks 10 years ago today.

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