
New Fl@unt Addiction: Scandal, the Hit TV Show that Lives Up to its Title

So I've just finished watching the second season of my now ultimate favourite TV show, Scandal, after going through the episodes on the Internet over four weeks, hardly being able to stop myself from watching one after the other in a constant stream - the show is that good. Created by the genius that is Shonda Rhimes who also created Grey's Anatomy, this woman knows how to create relationships that the audience will attach to and stress out over along with the characters involved. 

Scandal focuses on main character Olivia Pope played by the stunning Kerry Washington, a hotshot lawyer working in Washington, covering cases that are more controversial and undercover, getting politicians and public figures out of sticky spots and she almost always succeeds. She has a team working with her that have ultimate faith in Olivia's ability to come through in any situation. Columbus Short shows that he is more than just a pretty face with strong screen presence, convincing us of his unmoving loyalty to Ms Pope. 

However, while Olivia is successful and focused in her professional life her personal life is in a heart wrenching, frustrating, messy emotional state. If you don't want to know why exactly look away now - SPOILER ALERT - Olivia Pope is in fact having an affair with the President of the United States, played by Tony Goldwyn. Scandalous indeed. This hasn' t been just a quick fling though, this has been a long, torrid relationship - Olivia and the President are actually in love but country affairs, general politics and of course the First Lady are keeping them apart. 

The way this relationship tugs with the audience as the pair find ways to be together briefly before pulling themselves away sadly is what makes the show so addictive. Although the affair is immoral the audience realise early on that this coupling behind the curtains is more than that, Olivia and the President wish it to be more than that but so much could be lost. It could have been tricky to bond with these characters for their actions but they are played so genuinely and expertly by Kerry Washington and Tony Goldwyn showing complexities that are true of human nature.

Being apart makes the relationship more heated and passionate when they manage to come together which raises the risk of danger of the safety of Olivia Pope in  particular which makes for intense viewing. The First Lady well played by Bellamy Young is evil and manipulative, only holding onto the President for her future career and his right hand man Cyrus played by Jeff Perry also has his own agendas. No one can be trusted in this show which is what makes it so compelling. I recommend a watch - definitely the best thing on TV right now!

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