
So Fetch! 10 Year Anniversary of Mean Girls

Can you believe it has been 10 years to the day since Mean Girls hit our cinemas and became a worldwide phenomenon? I bloody can't! It seems like it was only yesterday when I nestled in my seat with my school friends to watch this snappy depiction of high school life for teenage girls. 

I was practically the same age as the girls in this film so I connected with the trials and tribulations of these teenage girls so strongly it was like they were 'speaking to me through the screen'. Honestly! I'm not the only one here I'm sure. The success of this film says it all. It reached out to a generation of teenagers without patronizing us but by being brutally realistic. 

When you're a 14-year-old, times are hard. you don't know who you are, but you try to fit into a mold of who you think everyone else expects you to be. You go with whatever your friends say without actually listening to what you really think about a situation. You are so self-conscious - at least I was - heck, I'm still trying to figure myself out!

However, I feel like at least now I'm further along the path of understanding who I am and who I want to be as a young woman which reassures me. Mean Girls provided plenty of laughs and quotes (which I still repeat to this day) but also characters that ring true to life. The Regina Georges, the Cady Herons, the Gretchen Wieners. A special film that remembers the teenager in all of us.

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